Pre Marriage Questions for Boys

What to Talk Before Marriage?

  1. Scan the prospective girls complete profile before going for pre marriage couple meet so that it becomes easy to start a healthy premarital conversation.
  2. Always try to portray a friendly gestures.
  3. Never throw over exaggerated compliment or mean criticism on first look.
  4. While asking premarital questions go with simple casual questions, discussing about mutual likes and dislikes.
  5. Ask about her views about an arrange marriage or a love marriage as one of the premarital questions. Sometimes one agree because of family pressure. Make her feel comfortable so that one can open up and tell the truth.
  6. Can ask about what she wants to be either a house wife, business women or she is willing to play a dual role.
  7. Ask a girl whether she like a nuclear family or she like a joint family.
  8. Can ask if the girl is open to change as your today needs may be business women, 3 years from now the need will be for a caring mom and a caring daughter- in -law as your parents will be aging and 5 years from now the need will be of a house wife. See whether she is flexible.
  9. Girls often ask how free the family is in respect of clothing. Be very honest.
  10. Avoid any query related to treasure and family asset at premarital talks.
  11. Don’t get personal in the very first meeting like questions related to one’s past and relationships while having pre marriage talks .
  12. Be clear if one expect a girl to do a some mandatory duty or take up assigned responsibility. If one have grand parents who are old and parents needs care and concern for health issues, in that case what one expects from there house wives. Make such a thing clear.
  13. Don’t make long speeches. The meeting should stay a conversation it should turn out into argument or debate.

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